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Israel is a very culturally-diverse country. Jews, Muslims, Christians and other religions share this small piece of land and they each have their sects and sub-cultures.

Which begs the question for travelers: What to wear in Israel? What dress code should you adopt to avoid offending others and stay out of trouble?

More than readers have asked more about what to wear in Israel in the comments section, so I decided to update this post with answers to the most common question: What to wear in Israel during each month of the year.

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The complete list of what to wear in Israel month-by-month is available right after the nine tips. Have an awesome trip! Generally speaking, dress codes are extremely relaxed in modern Israeli society.

Just try to blend in with clean and tidy casual wear. As a rule, jackets and ties are not required, unless you are a lawyer or judge in a courtroom.

For women, gowns are reserved for weddings. A nice dress or blouse are the norm for a fancy outing, but ladies, you can absolutely get away with a pair of jeans and any clean shirt as well.

04.02.2020 – Inform people about your events through Facebook. Nov 21, For places to visit, my favorites would be the one about 11 things to do in Tel Aviv , the guide for visiting the Dead Sea and the guide to my favorite world heritage site in Israel: Akko. We will do a lot of walking..

Would you need any warm clothes at all during summertime? Oh, and no need to bring an umbrella. Rain is extremely rare between the months of May and September.

Most trails are relatively short, so choose your hiking shoes accordingly. Many of the locals happily hike in a good pair of sandals or sneakers.

The locals face that dilemma practically every morning. However, we do get cold fronts, rain and the occasional local storm, so bring along a rainproof jacket and some warm clothes.

Jerusalem, the Upper Galilee and the Golan Heights tend to be colder than the coastal areas and can even get some snow during winter.

It would be a long bus ride though: over an hour to Haifa and around 2. June is usually very warm and you could find yourself in an actual heatwave too. Light summer vest for females 2017 I purchased this vest because I wanted a lightweight vest with a number of pockets.

I did say snow. It can actually get cold and even snow during winter time. You can hike in sandals and shorts during the day, but bring something warm to wear in the evenings and early mornings.

Check the local weather forecast and dress accordingly, adding or taking off layers as may be necessary.

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There are so many options for swimming in Israel, every month of the year, you simply must bring a swimming suit. You can also bathe in the Sea Of Galilee or the Jordan River, for a recreational experience with a spiritual twist.

There are several lovely swimming holes in Israel. That means avoiding bermuda pants or short skirts. Definitely avoid sleeveless shirts.

This is the rainy season too, so consider bringing an umbrella along. Light summer vest for females 2017 Evenings may still be chilly, especially in Jerusalem and the Upper Galilee. It happens almost every winter so bring warm clothes!

To stay on the safe side, carry a long-sleeve shirt or even a pashmina with you. You may be asked to cover your head as well, so come prepared with your own hat or wrap.

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There are several areas in Israel where extreme Orthodox Jewish communities reside. Local secular Jews either stay away from these places or try to dress modestly when visiting them.

The keffiyeh is a traditional Arab head wrap for men. It usually has a red-and-white or black-and-white checkered pattern. Probably nothing, except for some frowning here and there, but someone could call the cops on you and they may ask to see your ID.

Most of these guidelines hold true for travelers everywhere. I hope the tips I provided you with here will help you do just that and keep you comfortable and safe too!

Remember, Israel is small but its climate is diverse.

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The coastal areas are generally warmer and more humid. I hope this helps. For places to visit, my favorites would be the one about 11 things to do in Tel Avivthe guide for visiting the Dead Sea and the guide to my favorite world heritage site in Israel: Akko.

For more general — yet important! How much does it cost to visit Israel?

No one will be offended. Women’s Vests Find a great selection of vests women’s Top quality Inseam: Measure from the top of the interior leg to the bottom of the ankle.

Including money-saving tips. Should you rent a car when visiting Israel and how to do so. What kind of plug adapter do you need for visiting Israel?

Thank you for taking the time to create this blog for people that are coming on a first time visit to Israel. Also, we will be on a guided tour for 8 days and that will run during a Sabbath.

What should we expect. We will be staying at the Ramada Olivie, Nazareth on the evening of the Sabbath. We have a full day on both Friday and Saturday of tours.

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Thanks for the feedback. To answer your questions. As for the Shabbath, I would ask your guide for recommendations.

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Both are awesome places to spend a day. This is my post about Akko if you want to see more. It would be a long bus ride though: over an hour to Haifa and around 2.

I wonder if maybe hiring a local taxi driver for the day would make sense for a group of four of you, for example.

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It would cut those times in half, and allow you to see more placed. I hope this helps — enjoy your trip! No one will be offended.

I am going to Israel on January 17 with a group from my church. Just wondering if I will need to wear a layer under my jeans and also are leggings ok to wear if I wear a long shirt that covers my butt and front areas?

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We are just taking a carry on and backpack so need to be picky about what I pack. Thank you so much.

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This has been the best site for info I have been on!!! No problem at all with wearing leggings, especially with a tunic but even without one.

As for adding a layer, I would get the forecast and only do that if you happen to visit during a really cold day below freezing. We actually visited Jerusalem last week and while the morning was chilly, we ended up spending most of the day in teeshirts.

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Enjoy your visit! Also, how are people with low cut shirts-some cleavage showing? I have some shirts that are V neck but can still show some cleavage.

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Shall I avoid those entirely? Thanks for all your help.

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I was in Tel Aviv yesterday. We were driving past this huge guy who was wearing nothing but a tiny bathing suit. I guess he just decided to walk back home like that lol.

Women wear leggings, mini skirts, super shorts and tiny shirts with every imaginable cut in every direction. Men and women of all shapes and sizes feel very comfortable wearing whatever they like.

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Yes, Jerusalem will be more conservative but there too, even shorts let alone Capri jeans and low-cleavage shirts should be acceptable almost anywhere, with the exception of going inside churches, mosques, and synagogues.

Enjoy your trip! We will be traveling in Israel the last two weeks in October and I am buying light weight pants, shirts, skirts as advised.

But I am curious if white clothing, especially skirts and pants, is appropriate for that time of year or will I look out of place? Hi Kathleen, White is totally ok any time of year.

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You can check out my post about holidays in Israel for more info. Hello there! Do the local businessmen wear jackets at all in July?

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Should I be packing more half-sleeve shirts than full sleeve for official business meetings and such? Also, what is the attitude of locals towards a Hindu Indian guy?

As South Asians we also share the same facial features of middle eastern Muslins, and I want to be aware of any issues that may arise due to this.

Thanks a lot for your help!

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Hi Ajay, Most businessmen here dress casually, especially during summer. Lawyers, accountants and such would probably stick to half-sleeve shirts with buttons.

Again, this could change depending on the industry. Just to make sure, I would check with your hosts. As for looks, Israelis are a mixed bag too.

Jewish Israelis can be anything from blue-eyed blondes to black Ethiopians. We even have a small percentage of Jews who come from India specifically Kuchinso they look Indian.